Monday, April 14, 2014

Pixi Kiss Cosmetics Review

Hello Everyone :) 
Just wanted to say sorry about not updated as much as I should. I hope to really work on that and get better about posting my reviews. 
Here is some awesome goodies I got from my good friend Sahara owner of Pixi Kiss Cosmetics. She recently started her own line and I was one of the lucky ones to get some of her products to try out. She also threw in some really pretty earrings as well which I love..!!! After doing the swatches (posted below), I really can say I love them. The colors are so amazing and pigmented. Out of the 6 I did receive, I have to say the white, green, and orange are my fav :) The other colors are truly great as well I just really love those the most lol 

The name of each color are as follows starting from left to right : Whack Em, Daylily, Iridessa, Toad Stool, Vampire Food, and Nectar. I truly hope to get more colors soon to do more swatches/reviews on, but until then I hope this was some what helpful in helping you get a little familiar with Pixi Kiss <3 any="" as="" be="" below.="" concerns="" facebook.="" feel="" follow="" free="" have="" her="" if="" instagram="" on="" or="" other="" p="" please="" post="" questions="" sure="" to="" well="" you="">